Monday, October 6, 2008

My Cuban love interest!

Alright, so it’s finally happened. I am officially in love with a Cuban. He’s about three feet tall and turned five years old today, and his name is Antony. This child is precious, and is the son of one of the waitresses at ANAP. He reminds me of my cousin Olivia, because he’s just so darn cute, even though he is QUITE the handful (in addition to being extremely precocious). He also loves Transformers, and has memorized the entire beginning to the Transformers tv show, just like a certain Anthony I know…

I kept on telling him, "Entonces, somos novios, Antony?? Eres mi novio??" (So, we're boyfriend and girlfriend, Antony? You're my boyfriend??); and he kept on saying, "'Miga, es que, pues, somos AMIGOS. Oiste? AMIGOS" (Girl, it's that, well, we're FRIENDS. You hear me? FRIENDS.). Oh my goodness he's so cute. Then one of the cooks, Pablito (who is the sweetest man on the face of the earth) asked Antony "estas enamorado con Christina? Christina, pienso que el este enamorado contigo!" (are you in love with Christina??? Christina, I think he's in love with you!!) and Antony said, "Nooooooo, somos AH-MI-GOS!"

I was supposed to read a social anthropology reading last night, but Antony ended up coming into my room, and I ended up playing with him (of course). A much better pasttime, if you ask me... :)

My friend Christine took some pictures of us together, two of which are on my Flickr site (link is on the left).

In other news from ANAP, there is apparently a famous Cuban actress staying with us in ANAP, the lead from the film “Lucia.” I just saw her at dinner!

Additionally, I just wanted to point out that there is now a links section on the left-hand side of my page with links to my Flickr account and to my roommate’s blog, for another perspective of our lives in Havana. Be sure to check them out!


Unknown said...

And no, he can't have my Transformers...

Michelle said...

ahhhhhh he's so cute!!!! i want to be his novia hehehe ;-) i love that he's so adamant about being AH-MI-GOS. girl, he doesn't know what he's missing!


i miss you!

Anonymous said...

It's good that he's just your friend because otherwise I would have to kill him. I don't discriminate by age.
