Monday, August 25, 2008

First post!

Hi, all!

So, I'll be leaving for Havana in T-minus less than two weeks, and figured I would write an introductory post to kick off my blog's "entrada" onto the world wide web!

Basically, the deal is that I'll be in Havana, Cuba for the next four-ish months with limited internet access, but desperately want to keep in touch with everyone from back home that I know and love. Hence, the blog. I'll be posting about the situation in Cuba, putting up photos, and hopefully keeping everyone updated on all the adventures/cultural shock that comes with studying abroad!

I will be staying at the Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, or ANAP, which roughly translates to a Farmer's Co-op type of organization. It is located in the Vedado district of Havana, on Calle C (Street C), between streets 13 and 15. I know some people had asked about mailing letters and such, but I have heard that the mail system in Cuba is TERRIBLE, so I respectfully ask that people send emails to me instead of letters (so that they won't get "lost" in transit!).

Important Dates:
Saturday, September 6th - Departing Boston for Miami
Sunday, September 7th - Departing Miami for Havana
Monday, September 15th - First day of classes
Sunday, December 21 - Arrive back in Boston

In the name of having a purpose to this post, however, I did hear about a really cool Cuban/Western music fusion project on the radio this morning. It's called "Rhythms del Mundo", which means "Rhythms of the World," and mixes the awesome Cuban rhythms of Buena Vista Social Club (a really fun, diverse group of Cuban musicians) with some of the best-known pop/alternative songs from mostly American and British bands/singers. The one I heard on the radio this morning was a remix of Coldplay's "Clocks," but the cd also includes Maroon 5, U2, and Dido, as well as Cuban singers singing songs like "Killin' Me Softly" and Radiohead's "High and Dry" - EN ESPANOL. SO COOL. :) The website plays little clips from each song, so if you want to hear the songs without ordering the cd, you can get a little taste of how awesome Cuban music is!!!

I cannot explain how terrified/excited I am to be able to be a part of/observe the incredible Cuban cultural scene!!! Please keep me in your prayers!

Thanks, and sending much love to everyone!,
Christina :)


Tiya said...

I was thinking of applying to the semester in Havana! I'm reslly excited to hear from you about it... good luck!!!

Michelle said...

im going to miss your beautiful self so much! hope cuba is amazing already--i love you christina!

7-Green Team said...

Thinking of you during the storm. I hope you are safe!

Anonymous said...

Christina's mom says she heard from a representative of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard on September 9, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. that all was well with the group and that they were learning a lot about hurricanes. It is likely that we will not hear from Christina for a while as I have heard the power is out. As of 9/10 at 2:00 p.m. Hurricane Ike was 250 miles west of Cuba and so since tropical winds extend only about 205 miles, things must be better. Buena Suerte Tina. I am already counting the days.

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are okay! The girls have been asking for you every day. They have never paid so much attention to the weather or geography! They just got a picture developed of you at the Cuba Bon Voyage Party! You were lovely holding that Cuban flag. By the way...did you get an absentee ballot for the Presidential election??? They may not be voting in Cuba, but every vote counts here in the USA. We miss you tons already!
Auntie R